Source code for yaml2sbml.YamlModel

"""A Model Editor for creating YAML models."""
import yaml
import os.path
import copy
from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path

from .yaml2sbml import _parse_yaml_dict, _load_yaml_file
from .yaml2PEtab import _yaml2petab
from .yaml_validation import _validate_yaml_from_dict

[docs]class YamlModel: """Functionality to set up, edit, load and write yaml models.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a YAML model.""" self._yaml_model = {'time': {}, 'odes': [], 'parameters': [], 'assignments': [], 'functions': [], 'observables': [], 'conditions': []}
[docs] @staticmethod def load_from_yaml(yaml_dir: str): """ Create a model instance from a YAML file. Arguments: yaml_dir: directory to the YAML file, that should be imported Returns: cls: new model """ new_model = YamlModel() yaml_contents = _load_yaml_file(yaml_dir) new_model._yaml_model.update(yaml_contents) # check, if the model is valid new_model.validate_model() return new_model
[docs] def write_to_yaml(self, yaml_dir: str, overwrite: bool = False): """ Write the model to a YAML file given as `yaml_dir`. Arguments: yaml_dir: path/file, where the YAML should be written overwrite: Indicates, whether an existing YAML should be overwritten Raises: ValueError FileExistsError """ if not (yaml_dir.endswith('.yaml') or yaml_dir.endswith('.yml')): raise ValueError('yaml_dir should contain path to the yaml ' 'and hence end with .yaml or .yml') if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(yaml_dir): raise FileExistsError(f'Can not write yaml model. File {yaml_dir}' f' already exists. Consider to set ' f'overwrite=True.') reduced_model_dict = self._get_reduced_model_dict() # translate to string yaml_as_string = yaml.dump(reduced_model_dict, sort_keys=False, indent=6) # post-process: add empty line around blocks for key in self._yaml_model.keys(): yaml_as_string = yaml_as_string.replace(f'{key}:', f'\n{key}:') yaml_as_string = yaml_as_string.replace('- ', '\n - ') with open(yaml_dir, 'w') as file: file.write(yaml_as_string)
[docs] def write_to_sbml(self, sbml_dir: str, overwrite: bool = False): """ Write the model as an SBML file to the directory given in `sbml_dir`. Arguments: sbml_dir: path/file, where the sbml should be written overwrite: Indicates, whether an existing yaml should be overwritten Raises: ValueError FileExistsError """ # Check file ending. if not (sbml_dir.endswith('.xml') or sbml_dir.endswith('.sbml')): raise ValueError('sbml_dir should contain path to the sbml ' 'and hence end with .xml or .sbml') # model name = sbml name without file extension model_name = Path(sbml_dir).stem if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(sbml_dir): raise FileExistsError(f'Can not write SBML model. File {sbml_dir}' f' already exists. Consider to set ' f'overwrite=True.') # generate SBML as string reduced_model_dict = self._get_reduced_model_dict() sbml_as_string = _parse_yaml_dict(reduced_model_dict, model_name) with open(sbml_dir, 'w') as f_out: f_out.write(sbml_as_string)
[docs] def write_to_petab(self, output_dir: str, model_name: str, petab_yaml_name: str = None, measurement_table_name: str = None): """ Write the YamlModel as a PEtab problem. Equivalent to calling `yaml2petab on the file produced by the YAML output. If a `petab_yaml_name is given, a YAML file is created, that organizes the petab problem. If additionally a `measurement_table_file_name is specified, this file name is written into the created YAML file. Arguments: output_dir: path the output file(s) are be written out model_name: name of SBML model petab_yaml_name: name of the YAML organizing the PEtab problem. measurement_table_name: Name of measurement table """ reduced_model_dict = self._get_reduced_model_dict() _yaml2petab(reduced_model_dict, output_dir, model_name, petab_yaml_name, measurement_table_name)
[docs] def validate_model(self): """ Validate the YAML model. Raises: ValidationError """ _validate_yaml_from_dict(self._get_reduced_model_dict())
def _get_reduced_model_dict(self) -> dict: """ Return a reduced model dict, where keys without an entry are deleted. Return a copy of the model dict!! Returns: reduced_model_dict """ reduced_model_dict = {} for (key, val) in self._yaml_model.items(): if val: reduced_model_dict[key] = copy.deepcopy(val) return reduced_model_dict # functionalities regarding the time
[docs] def is_set_time(self): """Check whether there is a time variable.""" return 'variable' in self._yaml_model['time'].keys()
[docs] def set_time(self, time_variable: str): """Set time variable.""" self._yaml_model['time'] = {'variable': time_variable}
[docs] def delete_time(self): """Delete time variable.""" self._yaml_model['time'] = {}
[docs] def get_time(self): """Get time variable.""" if self.is_set_time(): return self._yaml_model['time']['variable'] else: return None
# functions adding a value
[docs] def add_parameter(self, parameter_id: str, overwrite: bool = False, nominal_value: float = None, parameter_name: str = None, parameter_scale: str = None, lower_bound: float = None, upper_bound: float = None, estimate: int = None): """ Add a parameter. Overwrite an existing parameter with the same id, if `overwrite==True`. Arguments: parameter_id: str, parameter id overwrite: bool, indicates if an existing state/ODE should be overwritten nominal_value: float, nominal value of the parameter. parameter_name: str, name of parameter in PEtab parameter table, optional. parameter_scale str. scale of parameter in PEtab parameter table, optional. lower_bound: float, lower bound of parameter in PEtab parameter table, optional. upper_bound: float, upper bound of parameter in PEtab parameter table, optional. estimate: int, estimate flag of parameter in PEtab parameter table, optional. """ # if parameter exists: delete if overwrite if parameter_id in self.get_parameter_ids(): if overwrite: self.delete_parameter(parameter_id) else: raise ValueError('Could not add parameter with id' f' {parameter_id}: Parameter with the same' ' id already exists.') entry_dict = {'parameterId': parameter_id, 'nominalValue': nominal_value, 'parameterName': parameter_name, 'parameterScale': parameter_scale, 'lowerBound': lower_bound, 'upperBound': upper_bound, 'estimate': estimate} self._add_entry(entry_dict, 'parameters')
[docs] def add_ode(self, state_id: str, right_hand_side: Union[float, str], initial_value: Union[float, str], overwrite: bool = False): """ Add state/ODE. Overwrite an existing state/ODE with the same id, if `overwrite==True`. Arguments: state_id: str, state id right_hand_side: str or float, right hand side of the ODE. initial_value: str or float, initial value of the ODE at t=0 overwrite: bool, indicates if an existing state/ODE should be overwritten """ # if state exists: delete if overwrite if state_id in self.get_ode_ids(): if overwrite: self.delete_ode(state_id) else: raise ValueError(f'Could not add state/ODE with id {state_id}:' f' State with the same id already exists.') entry_dict = {'stateId': state_id, 'rightHandSide': right_hand_side, 'initialValue': initial_value} self._add_entry(entry_dict, 'odes')
[docs] def add_assignment(self, assignment_id: str, formula: str, overwrite: bool = False): """ Add assignment. Overwrite an existing assignment with the same id, if `overwrite==True`. Arguments: assignment_id: str, function id formula: str, right hand side of assignment definition. overwrite: bool, indicates if an existing assignment should be overwritten """ # if assignment exists: delete if overwrite if assignment_id in self.get_assignment_ids(): if overwrite: self.delete_assignment(assignment_id) else: raise ValueError('Could not add assignment with id ' f'{assignment_id}: Assignment with the same ' 'id already exists.') entry_dict = {'assignmentId': assignment_id, 'formula': formula} self._add_entry(entry_dict, 'assignments')
[docs] def add_function(self, function_id: str, arguments: str, formula: str, overwrite: bool = False): """ Add function. Overwrite an existing function with the same id, if `overwrite==True`. Arguments: function_id: str, function id arguments: str, arguments, separated by a comma formula: str, right hand side of the function definition overwrite: bool, indicates if an existing function should be overwritten """ # if function exists: delete if overwrite if function_id in self.get_function_ids(): if overwrite: self.delete_function(function_id) else: raise ValueError('Could not add function with id ' f' {function_id}: Function with the same ' 'id already exists.') entry_dict = {'functionId': function_id, 'arguments': arguments, 'formula': formula} self._add_entry(entry_dict, 'functions')
[docs] def add_observable(self, observable_id: str, observable_formula: str, noise_formula: str, overwrite: bool = False, observable_name: str = None, observable_transformation: str = None, noise_distribution: str = None): """ Add observable. Observables are not represented inside an SBML and only play a role when generating a PEtab problem see PEtabs observable table). Overwrite an existing observable with the same id, if `overwrite==True`. Arguments: observable_id: str, observable id observable_formula: str, formula of the observable function noise_formula: str, formula of the noise overwrite: bool, indicates if an existing observable should be overwritten observable_name: Observable name. Optional. observable_transformation: Observable transformation ('lin'/'log'/'log10'). Optional """ # if observable exists: delete if overwrite if observable_id in self.get_observable_ids(): if overwrite: self.delete_observable(observable_id) else: raise ValueError('Could not add observable with id ' f'{observable_id}: Observable with the same ' 'id already exists.') entry_dict = {'observableId': observable_id, 'observableName': observable_name, 'observableFormula': observable_formula, 'observableTransformation': observable_transformation, 'noiseFormula': noise_formula, 'noiseDistribution': noise_distribution} self._add_entry(entry_dict, 'observables')
[docs] def add_condition(self, condition_id: str, condition_dict: dict, overwrite: bool = False, condition_name: str = None): """ Add condition `condition_id`. Conditions are not represented inside an SBML and only play a role when generating a PEtab problem (see PEtabs condition table). Overwrite an existing condition with the same id, if `overwrite==True`. Arguments: condition_id: str, condition id condition_dict: dict, of the form {<parameter or state id>: <value>}. Corresponds to entries in the PEtab condition table. See details there. overwrite: bool, indicates if an existing condition should be overwritten condition_name: Condition name. Optional. """ # if condition exists: delete if overwrite if condition_id in self.get_condition_ids(): if overwrite: self.delete_condition(condition_id) else: raise ValueError('Could not add condition with id ' f' {condition_id}: Condition with the same ' f'id already exists.') entry_dict = {'conditionId': condition_id, 'conditionName': condition_name, **condition_dict} self._add_entry(entry_dict, 'conditions')
def _add_entry(self, entry_dict: dict, block_key: str): """ Add the entry in 'entry_dict' to the block indexed by 'block_key'. If 'overwrite=True', an existing value for that key is overwritten. Arguments: entry_dict: dict, that stores the new entry block_key: name, where the ids should be searched (e.g. 'parameters') """ # filter out None values and append filtered_dict = _filter_none_values(entry_dict) self._yaml_model[block_key].append(filtered_dict) # functionalities to get ids
[docs] def get_parameter_ids(self): """Return a list with all parameter ids.""" return self._get_ids('parameters', 'parameterId')
[docs] def get_ode_ids(self): """Return a list with all state ids.""" return self._get_ids('odes', 'stateId')
[docs] def get_assignment_ids(self): """Return a list with all assignment ids.""" return self._get_ids('assignments', 'assignmentId')
[docs] def get_function_ids(self): """Return a list with all function ids.""" return self._get_ids('functions', 'functionId')
[docs] def get_observable_ids(self): """Return a list with all observable ids.""" return self._get_ids('observables', 'observableId')
[docs] def get_condition_ids(self): """Return a list with all conditions ids.""" return self._get_ids('conditions', 'conditionId')
def _get_ids(self, block_key: str, index_key: str): """ Return all ids in the corresponding block. Arguments: block_key: name, where the ids should be searched (e.g. 'parameters') index_key: key of the identifier, in that block (e.g. 'parameterId') Returns: res: list of ids """ return [element[index_key] for element in self._yaml_model[block_key]] # functionalities to get entry by Id:
[docs] def get_parameter_by_id(self, parameter_id: str): """ Return dict for corresponding parameter. Raise a `ValueError, if the parameter does not exist. """ if parameter_id not in self.get_parameter_ids(): raise IndexError(f'Could not find parameter {parameter_id}.') return self._get_entry_by_id('parameters', 'parameterId', parameter_id)
[docs] def get_ode_by_id(self, state_id: str): """ Return dict for corresponding ODE/state. Raise a `ValueError`, if the ODE/state does not exist. """ if state_id not in self.get_ode_ids(): raise IndexError(f'Could not find state/ODE {state_id}.') return self._get_entry_by_id('odes', 'stateId', state_id)
[docs] def get_assignment_by_id(self, assignment_id: str): """ Return dict for corresponding assignment. Raise a `ValueError`, if the assignment does not exist. """ if assignment_id not in self.get_assignment_ids(): raise IndexError(f'Could not find assignment {assignment_id}.') return self._get_entry_by_id('assignments', 'assignmentId', assignment_id)
[docs] def get_function_by_id(self, function_id: str): """ Return dict for corresponding function. Raise a `ValueError`, if the function does not exist. """ if function_id not in self.get_function_ids(): raise IndexError(f'Could not find function {function_id}.') return self._get_entry_by_id('functions', 'functionId', function_id)
[docs] def get_observable_by_id(self, observable_id: str): """ Return dict for corresponding observable. Raise a `ValueError`, if the observable does not exist. """ if observable_id not in self.get_observable_ids(): raise IndexError(f'Could not find observable {observable_id}.') return self._get_entry_by_id('observables', 'observableId', observable_id)
[docs] def get_condition_by_id(self, condition_id: str): """ Return dict for corresponding condition. Raise a `ValueError`, if the condition does not exist. """ if condition_id not in self.get_condition_ids(): raise IndexError(f'Could not find condition {condition_id}.') return self._get_entry_by_id('conditions', 'conditionId', condition_id)
def _get_entry_by_id(self, block_key: str, index_key: str, entry_id: str): """ Get entry by id in corresponding block. Returns the entry with id 'entry_id' in the block named `block_key` in self._yaml_model. 'index_key' gives the name of the id-key. Arguments: block_key: Key of the block (e.g. 'parameters') index_key: key of the identifier in that block (e.g. 'parameterId') entry_id: Id of element, that should be returned Returns: Entry_dict. None, if entry is not found. """ # check if block exists. for entry in self._yaml_model[block_key]: if entry[index_key] == entry_id: return entry return None # functionalities to delete entry by Id:
[docs] def delete_parameter(self, parameter_id: str): """ Delete a parameter. Raise a ValueError, if parameter does not exist. """ if not self._delete_entry('parameters', 'parameterId', parameter_id): raise ValueError(f'Could not delete parameter {parameter_id}. ' f'Invalid parameterId.')
[docs] def delete_ode(self, state_id: str): """ Delete a state + ODE. Raise a ValueError, if state does not exist. """ if not self._delete_entry('odes', 'stateId', state_id): raise ValueError(f'Could not delete ODE for state {state_id}. ' f'Invalid stateId.')
[docs] def delete_assignment(self, assignment_id: str): """ Delete an assignment. Raise a ValueError, if assignment does not exist. """ if not self._delete_entry('assignments', 'assignmentId', assignment_id): raise ValueError(f'Could not delete assignment {assignment_id}. ' f'Invalid assignmentId.')
[docs] def delete_function(self, function_id: str): """ Delete a function. Raise a ValueError, if function does not exist. """ if not self._delete_entry('functions', 'functionId', function_id): raise ValueError(f'Could not delete function {function_id}. ' f'Invalid functionId.')
[docs] def delete_observable(self, observable_id: str): """ Delete an observable. Raise a ValueError, if observable does not exist. """ if not self._delete_entry('observables', 'observableId', observable_id): raise ValueError(f'Could not delete observable {observable_id}. ' f'Invalid observableId.')
[docs] def delete_condition(self, condition_id: str): """ Delete a condition. Raise a ValueError, if condition does not exist. """ if not self._delete_entry('conditions', 'conditionId', condition_id): raise ValueError(f'Could not delete condition {condition_id}. ' f'Invalid conditionId.')
def _delete_entry(self, block_key: str, index_key: str, deleted_object_id: str): """ Delete entry in block. Delete the entry with id 'deleted_object_id' in the block named `block_key` in self._yaml_model. 'index_key' gives the name of the id-key. Arguments: block_key: Key of the block (e.g. 'parameters') index_key: key of the identifier in that block (e.g. 'parameterId') deleted_object_id: Id of element, that should be deleted Returns: Bool, that indicates, whether deletion was successful. """ # Check if block exists for i, entry in enumerate(self._yaml_model[block_key]): # search for entry and delete if entry[index_key] == deleted_object_id: self._yaml_model[block_key].pop(i) return True return False
def _filter_none_values(d: dict): """ Filter out the key-value pairs with `None` as value. Arguments: d dictionary Returns: filtered dictionary. """ return {key: value for (key, value) in d.items() if value is not None}